Skincare during autumn

What do we need to focus on?
How can we look after our skin in any weather?

Each season has its own characteristics and procedures that should be done to look after our skin. This time we’ll focus on maintaining the skin’s moisture level. What moisturizing cream do you use? Are you matching it to your skin type? Have you noticed that sometimes the moisturizing cream you know and love feels suboptimal to you?

It’s because our skin type changes. It changes throughout the year. In winter our skin differs to what it is in the summer. As winter approaches, air humidity levels go down. When autumn arrives, we gradually start feeling that our skin becomes slightly more “thirsty”. It sometimes feels tight and not because we’re young 🙂 It looks a bit flaky and rough. When the air is dry, the skin’s outermost layer feels it immediately. Water evaporates from the skin faster than usual. The skin starts to feel and look dehydrated. Dehydrated skin is not the same as dry skin. With dry skin, less sebum is secreted. While with oily skin, a lot of sebum is secreted over the skin. But, both oily skin and dry skin can be dehydrated and suffer from a low degree of hydration. It doesn’t feel nice. It doesn’t look nice either. The skin looks rough, less radiant, and less vital.

So what do you do? Match the skincare routine to the weather. Select a slightly richer moisturizing cream than what we used in the summer. How do you select a moisturizer? You can try a sample before buying the cream. Check that the cream is right for us as soon as we apply it, but also hours later. If your skin feels parched again shortly thereafter, it’s a sign that we should keep looking for a more suitable cream. Remember that women tend to apply a moisturizing cream in the morning and then apply makeup. We wouldn’t want our skin to dry out within two-three hours, and for our makeup to look bad because our skin is dehydrated. And we won’t be able to reapply moisturizing cream on top of makeup.

It’s also important to remember that dehydrated skin doesn’t function as well either. Cellular turnover is slower and numerous skin functions are impaired. Therefore, maintaining proper hydration is more than worrying about what’s convenient, feeling nice, or esthetics, but also protecting the skin’s health.

In this season, we can start gently renewing the skin’s appearance and functionality with a product that contains 10% lactic acid. It contributes to better cellular turnover, hydration, and shine. It’s considered a gentle and easy to use peel and is well suited to all skin tones.

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