Scars – How should they be treated?

Acne scars may be mild, moderate, or deep. They may damage the skin’s appearance and cause the person to feel insecure.

Can they be treated?
With mild scars – Impressive results can be achieved, even to the point of completely smooth skin.
With moderate scars – An improvement can be achieved.
With deep scars – These will only fade somewhat, but the skin won’t be smooth. In any case, a smoother complexion can be attained.
The younger the client, the better the results will be.

How are scars treated?
There are peeling products for at-home use, which are good for the mild and moderate scars.
Mesotherapy is a more comprehensive and deeper treatment for scars. It employs a device that gently creates thousands of punctures close together. After the skin heals, the appearance of the scars greatly improves. The procedure is performed with a numbing cream, so it doesn’t hurt. Several sessions are necessary to achieve good results.

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