Reducing post-peel pigmentation

Here are some tips and advice –
How to reduce cases of pigmentation following peelings that you do in the clinic, during the summer.
First, it’s important to remember – you can renew your customers’ skin all year round, even in the summer. Exercise discretion according to the level of exposure to the sun of each client and according to the level of her cooperation. Check how much you trust her to carry out your instructions.
After you have decided that peeling can be done this season for this particular client, here are some recommendations:
· If possible, direct the treatment to the afternoon/evening hours, so that the client returns from the treatment at the “safer” hours.
Make sure the client does not remove facial hair using wax or any hair removal method that irritates the skin, in the first 3 days of the treatment. The more prone to pigmentation and the more significant the peeling, consider extending it to 4-5 days from the treatment, as needed. The idea is that we don’t know what the client is doing at home these days, so it is important that we explain to her – any irritating action may trigger pigmentation. In the first two days after the peeling in the clinic – do not use Skin Brush or other crystal home product peeling.
· Study the customer’s skin in depth – how prone it is to pigmentation due to irritations. It can also happen in light skin phototypes. You will always see remnants of past irritations on the skin. The speed of tanning is also an indicator. The more the client is prone to pigmentation, the more we will protect her. For example the use of Skin Tone a week before and after peeling. With a more prominent tendency to pigmentation, you can also add Light Cream (moisturizer with brightening ingredients).
During the treatment at the clinic, add an application of Azo Peel. This product is also a melanin suppressor.
· At the end of the peeling applications in the clinic, you can apply Light Cream or Skin Tone
· Space the visits in the clinic as part of the series of treatments. Normaly, it is once every two weeks. If you have a concern, you can increase it to one every 3 or 4 weeks.
· Incorporate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients into the client’s treatment routine. Both of these will reduce the formation of pigmentation.
· In the first two days after the treatment, the client must avoid exposure to the sun for more than 15 minutes in a row during the hot hours, and make sure to use an adequate layer of sun protection. On the third day it can increase to 30 minutes in a row.
· Many times the customer has other products at home, which you don’t know about. During the peeling period, everything that is applied to the client’s skin, everything that meets her skin – becomes your concern. Clarify to clients why it is like this. It refers to procedures, injections, applying creams she bought online, hair removal and any action related to their skin. Everything will come under your supervision. And the average customer cooperates only after she has received an explanation of why this is important.
If a “mishap” happened and pigmentation still occurred: it is recommended to respond to this as quickly as possible. Many times it is necessary to give a cream with hydrocortisone for about a week, in order to minimize the inflammation and the continued darkening of the skin. There are pharmacies that will give ointment without a prescription and others that will ask for a prescription, let’s contact the family doctor online and ask.
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